In today's fast paced lifestyle, eating locally grown, farm fresh food has become a luxury. Here's why eating local food is good for you, and great for the environment too!
Eating local is not only a healthier option, it's great for your tastebuds too! The shorter the time between harvest and your dining table, the better it is. Research has shown that fresh fruits and veggies begin to lose their nutrients within 24 hours of harvest. Eating local ensures that our bodies get the highest nutritional value possible.
It takes care of the environment. Local and indigenously grown produce goes a long way to help the environment and promote sustainable agricultural practices. A typical food package travels thousands of kilometres before it reaches our homes, and that is quite a high carbon footprint for a single meal for a single person. Eating local eliminates the need for long-distance transportation, helping the environment as well
Perhaps one of the most important advantages of local produce is that eating local is scientific. This is because, indigenous varieties often naturally cater to the varied needs and requirements of the local population. Thanks to Mother nature, it has been shown that the local harvest of a particular area is best suited to the population, sustaining and keeping it healthy in the long run.
When eating locally, you gain access to a greater variety of produce and broadens your diet. Thus, it indirectly results in more diverse nutrient consumption and at the same time, leads to agricultural diversification.
It is an investment in the country and in the community. When we embrace the indigenous, we also help our local farmers, manufacturers and countless other people in the production chain without even being aware of it. Steps like these can help in sustaining the economy in the long run and minimise imports.
Hence, whenever you can, opt for local and indigenous produce to get a bang of both taste and nutrition!